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aHa! Talent Solutions

Performance Leadership Recruitment

Your "aha" moment is experiencing the quality and flexibility of our talent solutions honed over years of experience.  


It’s talent acquisition where you need it, how you want it.

At aHa! Talent Solutions, we offer a range of talent acquisition services to meet your needs, from specific elements of the process to handling the entire search process. Talent acquisition truly where you need it and how you want it.


We can be integrated with your internal corporate recruiters to source talent, we can qualify applicants or we can conduct a full search.  


You specify the search parameters -- compensation, experience, location, education , even the land cultural fit -- and we find the candidates who will bring value from Day One.


We are a consortium of former corporate operations and recruitment executives and recruitment technology geeks who identify, engage and retain stellar talent for our clients.


 We excel in bringing candidates ready to make an immediate contribution to your organization. 

  • We know how to quickly identify leadership traits and qualities of key talent that will fit an organization’s needs.

  • We understand how to leverage leading-edge technology without losing the critical human discernment factor developed over years in the talent-sourcing business.

  • We understand the importance of both the bottom line and organizational culture.


aHa Talent solutions is called upon for objective, informed assistance in critical talent searches.


We begin by listening. Then asking the right questions.

Once the parameters are clarified, we develop a scope of work. And then, we get to work identifying and vetting potential candidates.  


During the process, we also provide our candidates with an honest assessment of the challenges, risks and rewards of pursuing the job.


Roles we have filled include:

  • Vice Presidents of Global Human Resources

  • Government Relationship

  • Engineering

  • Sales & Promotion

  • Training and Communications


© 2017 by aHa Talent Solutions

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